Shea Butter
Body butter is the thickest of all body moisturizers, so it’s a fabulous option for those who suffer from dry skin all over. Or even for those people who just like the feeling of intense moisture body butter offers.
Body butter has a heavier, more hydrating feeling than lotion. It’s great for dry patches like elbows, hands and feet.
You can use our whipped body butter in three ways:
♥ As a moisturizer
♥ Treating dry hands and feet overnight
♥ Treating skin conditions (cracked skin, irritation, stretch marks)
(Pro tip: It’s best to apply the body butter in small amounts. It may take longer to apply than a typical lotion, but taking your time will prevent your skin from feeling greasy.)
Applying Shea Butter
You can apply shea butter directly to the skin, including cracked and broken areas. Simply smooth on using your fingertips in a circular motion. There is an oily consistency to shea butter, so use caution around delicate fabrics. Pure shea butter contains cinnamic acid, which includes many of the healing properties found in the butter. Many commercial preparations of shea butter are blended with other ingredients, and the chemical effects of the cinnamic acid are diminished.